February 2013

Enjoy music lessons with top-class teachers

7 juli 11.00 - 18.00 Meet Vivaldi Music Lessons at the Home Made Market, Frederik Hendriklaan 22 en 23 Jun i Meet us at Festival Classique Plein...
Activiteiten van de Gypsy Academy in 2013 10 februari 16 uur, jaarlijkse High Tea Valentijnsconcert, Barth kapel, Brouwersgracht Maart : diverse...

Follow Your Passion!

Music lifts you up, enlightens your mood and gives positive energy. Our music lessons cater to all styles, levels and ages and are entirely focussed around helping you achieve your musical goals in a fun, safe and stimulating environment. Be nice to yourself, book your trial lesson today!

Your future, full of music, passion and joy begins now! Just take the first step!