- Children
- Adults
Lesson location
- Amsterdam IJburg
- At teacher's location
Located in
- Amsterdam
Congratulations! Your next step is to check out the page of the music teacher you want to know more about. Get in touch with the ......... in your area and book a trial lesson!
The trial lesson is the perfect situation to discuss the frequency of the lessons, the location, the music styles you like most or other styles you may wish to explore and to get to know your future .......... Book your first lesson pack, and receive a free trial lesson. (Normal price EU 25,- )
At Vivaldi Music Lessons website you will find all types of music lessons for beginners and advanced. Instrumental and vocal music lessons for children, teenagers and adults.
Music lightens your mood, cheers you up, gets you moving and gives you positive energy! Making music is one of the most motivating and healthy activities in life! The repertoire for ......... which you find the most personal to you is where we will focus our attention. For this, constructive feedback, personalised exercises, tips and inspiration from a dedicated professional ......... are best choice!
Lesson time, payment of the lessons and location are arranged individually between you and your .......... Packs of 5 or 10 ......... of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes.
The ......... will take place at the teacher's place or studio or in the comfort of your own home.
If you wish to follow online lessons, you can contact the ......... of your choice directly and discuss the possibilities.
If music is your passion and classical, baroque, jazz, pop, latin, world music or any other kind of music is where you find the most inspiration, you're welcome to sign up for a trial .......... Check here how students experience their lessons!
Do you wish to know more about the backgrounds of music? Learn more about harmony, tonalities and musical structures? Find your ......... and discover the advantages of knowledge of music theory.
The flute is a popular and very versatile melody instrument. The flute is known for its long history and wonderful melodic sound. Any music you like can be played on the transverse flute! From baroque music, classical repertoire and chamber music to famous romantic melodies, songs and sound tracks. From World Music, classical contemporary music to pop!
The flute always plays a leading role! If you have a penchant for baroque music or play in an orchestra; inquire about lessons on piccolo, bass flute or traverso. Playing together in a flute ensemble or baroque music in a mixed ensemble is stimulating, relaxing and gives inspiration and motivation to practise regularly. Form an ensemble with other instrumentalists and you can always contact your flute teacher for ensemble coaching!
To become a good flautist you need to practise frequently, a good instrument plus the help of a enthusiastic professional and motivasting flute teacher in your area. Well, luck is on your side! You've just found excellent transverse flute lessons for beginners to advanced in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Delft, Rotterdam and The Hague.
The transverse flute can be played from a young age. It is ideal to start flute lessons from about the age of 7. Children learn to play the flute in a playful way and will enjoy musical games and easy tunes! Reading sheet music is part of the lessons, they learn a solid musical basis and of course we play wonderful classical and modern fun duets together!
As an adult beginner you will enjoy learning the basics of music, reading notes, easy songs, (classical music to pop,) posture, embouchure, sound production and a proper breath control in a motivating atmosphere.Enjoy playing duets for 2 flutes and easy classical and popular tunes and songs. Basis music theory can be part of the lessons.