Giorgos Samoilis - Vioollessen in Amsterdam en Weesp. Viool leren spelen voor kinderen en volwassenen

Giorgos Samoilis Violin Lessons in Weesp

Violin Lessons Amsterdam - Weesp

Hello! I'm Giorgos Samoilis, a dedicated, professional and enthousiastic violin teacher in Amsterdam area. Have you always wanted to learn to play the violin and recently decided now is the time? More experienced violinist, looking for new repertoire, inspiration and personalised instructions to take your playing to a higher level? Looking for motivating and fun violin lessons for your child?

Why wait?

You've come to the right place! Music is part of my life since I was a child and I'm totally in love with the violin and the wonderful repertoire. I know playing the violin is not easy, but I can tell you: it's fun and you will love it too!

Violin Lessons  for Children

From the very beginning we have duos to play together. With easy classical and modern tunes, playful pieces and  fun exercises your child will develop a musical ear and a solid technique. Step bey step your child learns to read music. Fun in music comes always first!

Beginners - Classical to pop

Well done for taking the first step! As violinists, we are fortunate to have a wonderful repertoire for all tastes! Classical and baroque music but also popular tunes and film sound tracks. You''ll be encouraged to make music from the very first lesson with easy duets and progressive tuition materials.

What and how

In a relaxed atmosphere we will work on developing a smooth technique, always in a tension-free manner. We'll be focusing on tone production, dexterity of fingers, intonation, scales, fun exercises and classical or popular tunes. Together with some necessary music theory, always applied to the instrument, you'll learn pieces of gradual difficulty.

Violin Lessons to Advanced

We will work on more advanced concert pieces, popular music, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Brahms, Schubert,  Beethoven sonatas, scales and etudes, bowing technique, fluent bow changes, vibrato, playing in tune, playing in positions, articulation, phrasing and musical expression.

Violin Lessons at your Home Amsterdam

Lessons at your home in Amsterdam, Diemen, Amstelveen may be arranged. My lesson location is in Weesp, nearby Diemen, Amsterdam Oost, Abcoude, Naarden, Muiden.

Orchestra and Chamber Music

Difficult passages in orchestra or ensemble parts can be troublesome! Making music should be without stress and, although it requires quite soms concentration and hard work, it should be fun and relaxing. Better be well prepared when you go to your music rehearsals! Welcome to bring your orchestra and chamber music to the lessons!

Baroque Music

Are you in love with Bach’s music or do you prefer to play well known and unknown Italian baroque compositions from the 16th, 17th and 18th century? I'm a specialist and enjoy helping you discover new treasures!

Baroque Violin Lessons

Interested in approaching baroque music from an authentic point of view? If you have a baroque violin with gut strings, baroque bow and wish to learn more about music history, trills, ornaments, articulation, phrasing, bowings and fingerings: get ready to expand your musical horizons and sign up for a trial lesson! It will give you tremendous pleasure!

About Giorgos Samoilis

I'm half Greek half Venezuelan and I started playing the violin at the age of seven. I'm an all round performing violinist, performing and teaching modern and baroque violin. I have graduated from the conservatory of Utrecht as a baroque violin player with a masters degree and I perform often with baroque ensembles in the Netherlands and abroad. I love teaching since it is an opportunity to share my passion for music making!

Just let the learning process proceed at its own pace and find happiness in each improvement!

Located in

  • Weesp

Lesson location

  • At your home
  • Amsterdam
  • Weesp
  • At teacher's location
  • Online


  • Children
  • Adults


  • Dutch
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Greek

Vioolles is leuk!

Giorgos is aardig. Hij geeft op een ontspannen manier les waardoor het les krijgen echt leuk is. Hij is helemaal niet streng en hij maakt veel grapjes tussendoor. Hij heeft geduld en geeft je de tijd om wat voor mij moeilijk is goed onder de knie te krijgen. Ik kijk er iedere week weer naar uit om naar zijn lessen te gaan!

Giorgos helped me!

I already had violin lessons for years when I was little, but stopped during my studies at university. After university I wanted to start again, to get the feeling back of playing the violin and try to become a bit better at it. Giorgos helped me to get back at it and to improve it. I really noticed the difference, already after a few lessons! Giorgos helps you to find your own way of practicing and also focuses on making a better sound. It makes it so much more fun to play if it sounds better. Furthermore he also arranges that I can play pieces with other musicians. Thanks a lot!

Motivating Teacher!

I am studying violin with Giorgos for a year and I always look forward to my violin lessons. Giorgos is a very motivating and positive teacher with a relaxed manner (but not too relaxed ;--)).Giorgos has many effective solutions and exercises to solve any technical difficulty. He has a great skill and creativity to explain things, which helps me a lot and gives me confidence. He is also a very nice, funny and comfortable person te work with. Thanks to Giorgos I think I made great progress this year!
M.W. d.V

Grote stappen!

Als gemiddelde amateur heb ik al ruim een jaar vioolles bij Giorgos. En sinds ik les bij hem heb, heb ik grote stappen gemaakt. Waar ik vooral blij om ben, is dat Giorgos telkens onderzoekt waar ik vooral ondersteuning nodig heb, en hij past zijn didactische methode hier op aan. Ik krijg nooit een standaard les dus, maar een zeer gepersonaliseerde les, gericht op mijn eigen ambitie en doelstellingen. En over doelstellingen gesproken: deze worden samen bepaald en ingebed in mijn eigen voorkeur aan soort muziek. Last but not least: de stijl van Giorgos is coachend en aanmoedigend. Dat wil zeggen dat hij altijd bij wat goed gaat begint. Dat geeft zelfvertrouwen, en dat hoor je ook!

Plezier, humor en geduld

Ik volg met veel plezier een lessenreeks viool bij Giorgos. Hij kan op een ontspannen manier door middel van ervarend leren goed het vioolspelen aanleren. Met plezier, humor en geduld is hij met mij aan de slag gegaan. Hij past zijn tempo van lesgeven aan op wat ik als student aankan. Zo is het leren vioolspelen een fijn proces!
Rosalein Bos

Follow Your Passion!

Music lifts you up, enlightens your mood and gives positive energy. Our music lessons cater to all styles, levels and ages and are entirely focussed around helping you achieve your musical goals in a fun, safe and stimulating environment. Be nice to yourself, book your trial lesson today!

Your future, full of music, passion and joy begins now! Just take the first step!