Music Lessons Gift Voucher

Enjoy music lessons with top-class teachers

3 Music Lessons for only € 115,- A Perfect Gift for any Occasion!

Are you looking for an original and personal gift to surprise your friend, colleague, relative or partner with? 
Order a music lessons gift voucher for 3 singing or instrumental lessons for only € 115,-
By giving the Music Lesson Gift Card* you’ll be giving more than just a gift certificate for music lessons!
A Vivaldi Music Lessons Gift Voucher is a valuable Valentine, Xmas or Birthday gift. it looks nice and it's a life-changing experience that will leave them grateful to you for years to come!
The Music Lesson Gift Card is 24 months valid.

  • Select your instrument
  • Select a teacher
  • Klick the button to order the Music Lesson Gift Card and for detailed information.
  • Your order will be confirmed by mail.
  • Upon receipt of your payment, the Music Lesson Gift Card  will be sent to you. (Pdf)

* The Music Lesson Gift Card: 3 x 30 minutes individual singing or instrumental lessons for € 115,-
* Occasionally a gift voucher of 5 lessons can be requested. Price EU 189,-

* The Music Lesson Gift Card is 24 months valid.

Choose a teacher for your giftcard

Follow Your Passion!

Music lifts you up, enlightens your mood and gives positive energy. Our music lessons cater to all styles, levels and ages and are entirely focussed around helping you achieve your musical goals in a fun, safe and stimulating environment. Be nice to yourself, book your trial lesson today!

Your future, full of music, passion and joy begins now! Just take the first step!